miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Last Blog

I had a really good English base from my school and also I studied a year at "Chileno Britanico" institute so personally more than learning new things here at University I think the classes have helped me to practice more than learning which is really nice because the last time I studied English was a long time ago. Another thing that this class made me notice is the little I know how to write things properly. For example in every blog I did there was more than a few words that I misspelled at first and certainly in this one it will happen again. I also noticed that my pronunciation could be a lot better because talking now in classes I realized that some words that I use in my daily base in English I tend to "Chilenizarlas" a lot. For example I play a lot of video games with friends online and most of the time to communicate with other players of the world you have to speak in English, so we got used to and now when we play we always talk in English among us. In most games you can purchase Items, and we always pronounce it wrong. We say "e-tems" instead of items, so for sure being here helped me realize that I had to change that.  I think the best way of practicing this for me is to keep playing online games with my friends because you don’t only you practice your speaking but also you always learn a new term for something. I personally love to speak in English because I’m lazy as hell and every word or sentence is shorter in English than in Spanish, so sometimes I’m thinking something to myself and suddenly I realize that I’m thinking in English. My sister works for an international company so every paper she gets it’s in English, and sometimes she is really busy and asks me for help and I spend hours translating them for her, even though she has a similar level of English than me. I plan to read some Architecture papers in English because I really don´t know almost any technical word in English and I think it’s very important that we as Architects know at least how to use some concepts in English which is like the father of business languages with Chinese, so I think we should know at least one of those to communicate with people around the world.

5 comentarios:

  1. search in the library, its full of very interesting papers. i would recommned pet architecture.

  2. I think it happend the same to me... we have to practice more!

  3. Now I realize that I also tend to ¨Chilenizar¨ the words in english and I wasn´t aware of it until now.

  4. I can't believe I pronounce the word Item wrong during all my life...

  5. I agree with you, I think everybody has a particular word that tends to "chlenizar" xD
