miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Program Changes

The first thing that comes to my mind in this topic it's the lack of computer programs knowledege in first year students. I know that drawing is very important in this career but nowadays most of the people who work in this matter use Computer Programs to make their work therefore it's the most common "language" in the world of architecture. Now I don't think they should only teach how to use these programs, I think in first year you should be able to draw a lot of things but you also should be able to work in "Autocad" for example because I have a lot of friends that are in second year and they practically do everything by computer, so entering second year without knowing any of the basics  could be diffcult.

About the hours you need in order to study I think they sometimes might be a little excesive but normally it's fine. In my personal case this helped me a lot because the cuantity of hours you need to put into a project are a lot, so if you don´t organize yourself well enough you probably will be short in time. I used to study engineering and it was a mess. Sure I had to study a lot too but I never had so little time to do things, so most of the time I just kept delaying things just beacuse I had the choice to to do it. Now I am a lot more organized.
I have to say that Im not very aware of the curriculm because I changed to the new one this year and it's kinda messy at the moment, but when the university told us about the new one for me it sounded better than the old one because some of the subjects from the old one disappeared so now we have a little more time for ourselves and the length of the career is shorter.

2 comentarios:

  1. i really underdstand what you said! in workshop we're doing renders but nobody really teach us. it was cause we really wants to
    at least teachers likes it


  2. Well, auto cad isn't that hard to learn really, but the faculty should promote the learning of this programs if someone thinks it’s useful for their projects.
